Alexander Brodin

Alexander Brodin
Professor, D.Sc.
Kyiv State University, 1984
Specialty: “Radiophysics and Electronics”
Qualification: “Radiophysicist, research engineer”
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(01.04.14 – thermophysics and molecular physics), 2011
Dissertation topic: “One-particle and collective processes in disordered condensed molecular media”
2021 – Professor of the Department of General Physics of Igor Sikorsky KPI
1. Certificate № 02070921 / 007377 – 22 dated July 1, 2022 on advanced training at the Institute of Postgraduate Education National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” under the program «Розроблення дистанційних курсів з використанням платформи Moodle» total volume 108 hours (3.6 ECTS credits).
2. Certificate № 02070921 / 007056 – 22 dated January 17, 2022 on advanced training at the Institute of Postgraduate Education National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”total volume 108 hours (3.6 ECTS credits).
High refractive nonlinearity of PdO films under femtosecond 800 nm laser pulses
Nonlinear optical properties of graphene and pyrolytic carbon: A comparative study
Large third-order optical nonlinearities in iron oxide thin films synthesized by reactive pulsed laser deposition
Photoluminescence and Confinement of Excitons in Disordered Porous Films
Теоретична фізика. Квантова механіка [Електронний ресурс] : навчальний посібник для здобувачів ступеня бакалавра за освітньою програмою «Фізика» за спеціальністю 104 «Фізика та астрономія» / O. M. Brodin ; Igor Sikorsky KPI.– Kyiv: Igor Sikorsky KPI, 2022. – 233 p.