About Department

The Department of General Physics in its activity is subordinated to the main task – the preparation of bachelors, masters, doctors of philosophy of one or several related specialties, specializations or academic disciplines and has a scientific school with achievements in scientific-innovative, researching, scientific-technical and scientific-methodological activities and training of highly qualified personnel.
The main tasks of the department in the field of the educational process are:
- organization and conduct of the educational process at all levels of higher education and forms of training in the academic disciplines of the department in accordance with the working curricula and working programs of the credit module;
- ensuring the high quality of the educational process in accordance with the standards of higher education and regulatory documents on the organization of the educational process;
improving the content of education, taking into account modern achievements in science, technology and production; - introduction of progressive methods and modern information technologies of education (including mixed and distance learning);
- improvement of methods for assessing the quality of education, conducting tests, examinations and final certification of applicants for higher education; participation in the rector’s control;
- organization and carrying of practical trainings and performance of qualification works;
- organization and carrying of entrance examinations for training at master’s and educational-scientific levels of higher education;
- organization and training of graduate students, doctoral students, applicants, including foreign citizens, providing recommendations for admission to graduate school, doctoral studies, etc., appointment of a scientific consultant in the prescribed manner;
- conducting fundamental research and development on state budget issues, conducting development and research on orders of enterprises (organizations), on state programs and orders of ministries and departments;
- execution of works under international contracts; the pursuance of the (initiative) research;
- development of start-up projects; preparation of innovative projects and developments for various organizations, including the scientific park “Kyiv Polytechnic”;
- engineering and organization of marketing, promotion to markets of the results of researches and developments;
- nomination of works for the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology;
- implementation of development results in production and educational process;
- preparation of titles of protection for objects of intellectual property, preparation of licenses for sale;
- preparation and publication of monographs, standards, scientific journals, articles, etc.;
- organization, holding and participation in scientific seminars, conferences, exhibitions (all-Ukrainian, scientific park, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, etc.);
- creating conditions for attracting students to scientific work (guiding students who take part in: research and development work, student scientific circles, design bureaus, scientific conferences, seminars, preparing students for participation in international and All-Ukrainian Olympiads and competitions of start-up projects;
- organization participation of master’s theses in competitions of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and All-Ukrainian competitions of student research)
organization of cooperation with departments that teach other academic disciplines to applicants for higher education; - organization of systematic communication with graduates Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, in particular, graduate students of the department;
- organization of educational and scientific work of scientific and pedagogical workers with applicants for higher education through the website of the department.
The staff of the department consists of 11 professors, 10 associate professors, 13 senior lecturers, 8 assistants, engineering and technical workers, teaching and auxiliary personnel, doctoral students, graduate students and others.