Andrei Snarskii

Andrei Snarskii
Professor, D.Sc.
Chernivtsi National University, 1972
Specialty “Semiconductor physics”
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 1991
Dissertation topic: “Kinetic processes in microscopically inhomogeneous and anisotropic media”
2021 – Professor of the Department of General Physics of Igor Sikorsky KPI
1992 – 2021: Professor of the Department of General and theoretical Physics of Igor Sikorsky KPI
1976 – 1992: Teacher, senior teacher, assoсiate professor of the Department of General and theoretical Physics of Igor Sikorsky KPI
Research interests
Physics of semiconductors including physics of thermoelectrics:
Transport phenomena in semiconductors;
Thermoelectric phenomena in anisotropical media - Theory of anisotropical thermoelements
- Conductivity, thermoelectricity, galvanomagnetics, 1/f noise and related properties in random inhomogeneouse media with percolation threshold
- Deterministic chaos in inhomogeneous media
- Effective coeffitients in nonlinear (including ferromagnetical media with hysteresis) inhomogeneous media
- Nondestructive testing in pipeline inspection
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From the time series to the complex networks: The parametric natural visibility graph
Effect of magnetic-field-induced restructuring on the elastic properties of magnetoactive elastomers
Algorithm for determining the mutual impact of nodes in weighted directed graphs
Induced anisotropy in composite materials with reconfigurable microstructure: Effective medium model with movable percolation threshold
Effective medium theory for the elastic properties of composite materials with various percolation thresholds
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Rotating thermoelectric device in periodic steady state
Phase transition in the parametric natural visibility graph
”Transport Processes in Macroscopically Disordered Media”
A. A. Snarskii, I.V. Bezsudnov, V.A. Sevryukov, A Morozovskiy, J Malinsky Springer, 2016, 280 p.
“Введение в нелинейную механику. Хаос и фракталы”
В. Т. Гринченко, В. Т. Мацыпура, А. А. Снарский
Наукова Думка, 2005, 2015, 270 стр.
Training manual
«Фракталы. От удивления к рабочему инструменту»
В. Т. Гринченко, В. Т. Мацыпура, А. А. Снарский
Наукова Думка, 2013, 280 стр.
Training manual
«Моделирование сложных сетей»
Ланде Д. В., А. А. Снарский
Киев, Инжиниринг, 2015, 212 стр.