Sergiy Reshetnyak

Serhii Reshetniak
Head of the Department
Professor, D.Sc.
Donetsk State University, 1993
Faculty of Physics, Specialty “Physics”, qualification “Physicist-engineer”
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2010
Dissertation topic: “Spinwave optics in essentially inhomogeneous magnetic structures”
2021 – Professor of the Department of General Physics of Igor Sikorsky KPI
2010 – 2021: Professor of the Department of General and Experimental Physics of Igor Sikorsky KPI
2004 – 2010: Associate Professor of the Department of General and Experimental Physics of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
2001 – 2004: Doctoral Student of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
1997 – 2001: Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Econometrics, Donbas State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
2000 – 2001: Senior Scientific Collaborator at the O.O. Galkin Donetsk Institute of Physics and Technology.
1997 – 2001: Senior Scientific Collaborator, Department of Physics of Magnetic Phenomena and High-Temperature Superconductivity, Donetsk State University
1996 – 1997: Scientific Collaborator, Department of Physics of Magnetic Phenomena and High-Temperature Superconductivity, Donetsk State University
1995 – 1996: Post-Graduate Student of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
1995 – 1996: Junior Scientific Collaborator at the Institute of Magnetism of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
1993 – 1995: Post-Graduate student of Donetsk State University
1993 – Engineer of the Department of Physics of Magnetic Phenomena and High-Temperature Superconductivity of Donetsk State University
1. «Основи антикорупції для всіх і кожного» 02.11.2023
2. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, 19.12.2018 – 20.01.2019. Confirmation letter from 18.01.2019. «Spin wave dynamics in ferromagnetic nanowires and phase shift at the reflection of spin waves from film edge»
3. University of Exeter, UK, 20.06.2018 – 03.07.2018. «Microwave magnetics». Наказ № 3/345 від 20.06.2018 р.
Research interests
- Physics of magnetic phenomena
- Dynamics of spin waves in magnetic media
- Magnonics
- Spintronics
Influence of plasticity on the magnetic-field-induced bending deformation in a magneto-active elastomer with superparamagnetic nanoparticles
// AIP Advances. – 2024. – Vol. 14, issue 1. – P. 015143 (8 p.) (doi: 10.1063/5.0178469)
All-electrical operation of a Curie-switch at room temperature
Vadym Iurchuk, Oleksii Kozlov, Serhii Sorokin, Shengqiang Zhou, Jürgen Lindner, Serhii Reshetniak, Anatolii Kravets, Dmytro Polishchuk, and Vladislav Korenivski. / Phys. Rev. Applied. ¬– 2023. – Vol. 20, issue 2. – P. 024009 (8 p.)
Bulk Spin-Wave Filtration at the Interface of Two Uniaxial Ferromagnetic Media
Relaxation and refraction of spin waves within the CsCuCl 3-type multisublattice antif erromagnet
Теоретична фізика. Електродинаміка: навч. посіб. / S. O. Reshetnyak – Igor Sikorsky KPI – Kyiv: Igor Sikorsky KPI 2022 – 196 p.
Фізика твердого тіла. Лабораторний практикум: навч. посіб. / S. O. Reshetnyak, R. V. Zakharchenko, V. N. Zakharchenko, Yu. B. Skirta. – Igor Sikorsky KPI. –Kyiv: Igor Sikorsky KPI 2022. – 191 p.
Теоретична фізика. Статистична фізика та термодинаміка. Основні принципи статистики та термодинаміки: навч. посіб. / S. O. Reshetnyak, V. F. Rusakov. – Igor Sikorsky KPI. –Kyiv: Igor Sikorsky KPI, 2022. – 136 p.
Презентація результатів наукових досліджень: навч. посіб. для здобувачів ступеня доктора філософії за спеціальністю 104 «Фізика та астрономія» / S. O. Reshetnyak, D. V. Savchenko; Igor Sikorsky KPI. –Kyiv: Igor Sikorsky KPI, 2021. – 100 p.
Загальна фізика. Електродинаміка. Модульне навчання: навчальний посібник / V.M. Kalita, O.V. Dimarova, S. O. Reshetnyak; Igor Sikorsky KPI. –Kyiv: Igor Sikorsky KPI, 2021. – 144 p.