Yurii Skyrta

Yurii Skyrta
Teacher, Ph.D.
Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, 1996
Specialty “Radiophysics and electronics (Medical radiophisics)”
Qualification “Radiophysicist”
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences on speciality 01.04.11 – Magnetic, 2017
Dissertation topic: “Electrical and magnetic properties of Ni-Mn-Ga and Fe-Mn-Ga Heisler alloys near phase transition points”
2021 – assistant of the Department of General Physics of Igor Sikorsky KPI
2020 – 2021: assistant of the Department of General and Experimental Physics of Igor Sikorsky KPI
Research interests
- Heisler alloys
- Electrochemistry
- Magnetic composite materials
Article • free
Influence of plasticity on the magnetic-field-induced bending deformation in a magneto-active elastomer with superparamagnetic nanoparticles
Kalita, V.M., Dzhezherya, Y.I., Cherepov, S.V., Kyryliuk A.V., Reshetniak S.O., Bodnaruk, A.V., Ryabchenko, S.M.
// AIP Advances. – 2024. – Vol. 14, issue 1. – P. 015143 (8 p.) (doi: 10.1063/5.0178469)Conference Paper
Field-induced transitions in nematic liquid crystals
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE 8th International Conference on Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties, NAP 2018this link is disabled, 2018, 8914858
Results of experimental investigations of interaction of laser radiation with change of magnetic characteristics and formation of nanoislands in thin films by means of laser radiation
Metallofizika i Noveishie Tekhnologiithis link is disabled, 2005, 27(12), р. 1609–1619
Conference Paper