Ivan Skitsko

Ivan Skitsko
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Chernivtsi University, 1971
Optical give and spectroscopy Y 6886994, engineer, physicist – optician
Ph.D. 01.04.10 physics of semiconductors and dielectrics
Dissertation topic: “Features of the effect of iron group impurities and deformations on excitons in cadmium telluride”
2021 – Associate Professor of General Physics KPI Igor Sikorsky
2000 – 2021: Associate Professor of General and Theoretical Physics NTUU “KPI”
1977 – 2000: assistant, senior teacher, associate professor Kyiv Military Institute of Management and Communications. Since
1975 – 1977: researcher at the Institute semiconductors of the NAS of Ukraine
1975 – graduated from Chernivtsi State University of the Department of Semiconductors and Semiconductors materials
1972 – graduated from Chernivtsi State University specialty optical instruments and spectroscopy
Research interests
- Influence of magnetic impurities on excitons in A2B6 semiconductors
- Scientific and methodical work
- Physical principles of quantum computers
- Processing of results of physical measurements