Andriy Kuchko

Andriy Kuchko
Professor, D.Sc.
Donetsk State University, 1984
Specialty: “Physics”
Qualification: “Physicist. Teacher”
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2007
(01.04.11 magnetism)
Dissertation topic: “Waves and inhomogeneities of magnetization in spatially modulated structures ”
2021 – Professor of the Department of General Physics of Igor Sikorsky KPI
Research interests
Investigates the physics of magnetic phenomena, in particular the processes of spin wave propagation in spatially inhomogeneous magnetic materials and the nature of the dynamics of localized magnetic inhomogeneities in ferromagnets and superconductors.
Scattering of exchange spin waves from a helimagnetic layer sandwiched between two semi-infinite ferromagnetic media
Physical Review Bthis link is disabled, 2020, 102(10), 104414
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Anomalous Refraction of Spin Waves as a Way to Guide Signals in Curved Magnonic Multimode Waveguides
Physical Review Appliedthis link is disabled, 2020, 13(5), 054038
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Spin wave modes in a cylindrical nanowire in crossover dipolar-exchange regime
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physicsthis link is disabled, 2019, 52(7), 075003
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Emission of coherent spin waves from a magnetic layer excited by a uniform microwave magnetic field
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physicsthis link is disabled, 2019, 52(13), 135001