Rusakov Volodymyr

Volodymyr Rusakov
Professor, D.Sc.
Faculty of Physics, Donetsk State University, 1973
Specialty “Physics”
Qualification “Physicist, Physics Lecturer”
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2009
(01.04.07 – Solid state physics)
Dissertation topic: “Penetration of the magnetic field into metal oxide compounds and niobium alloys: the role of magnetic background”
2021 – Professor of the Department of General Physics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
1999-2020 : Head of the Department of General Physics and Didactics of Physics, Donetsk National University
1988-1999 : Associate Professor of the Department of General Physics and Physics Didactics of Donetsk National University
1987-1988 : Senior lecturer of the Department of Experimental Physics of DonSU
1978-1987 : Assistant Professor of the Department of Experimental Physics, DonSU
1977-1978 : Senior engineer of the research sector of DonSU
1974-1977 : Engineer of the research sector of Donetsk State University (DonSU)
In 1991 he worked at the University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), in 1993-1994. worked as a visiting professor in Paris at the University of Paris-12 (France).
- In 2015 he was elected Honored Professor of Donetsk National University. Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Technology (2001),
- Awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science, badges “Excellence in Education of Ukraine” (2001), “For scientific and educational achievements” (2015).
- Member of the Scientific and Methodological Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for Biology, Natural Sciences and Mathematics in the field of knowledge “Natural Sciences”, Deputy Chairman of Subcommittee 104 “Physics and Astronomy”.
- Co-author of the approved Standards of higher education in the specialty 104 “Physics and Astronomy” levels of education “Bachelor” and “Master”.
1. Institute of physics, Polish academy of sciences, 02-668 Warszawa,
а) «Investigation of the structures of thermomagnetic avalanches in superconductors in the magnetic flux capture regime»;
b) «Investigation of the screening properties of superconducting magnetic shields». 09/23/2017 – 10/22/2017, CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE, 5,3 credits/160 hours.
2. Institute of physics, Polish academy of sciences, 02-668 Warszawa,
«Investigation of the properties of hard superconductors in a magnetic field». 05/10/2018 – 06/09/2018, CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE, 5,3 credits/160 hours.
3. Institute of physics, Polish academy of sciences, 02-668 Warszawa,
«Features of the penetration of magnetic flux into hard superconductors of the second kind. Analysis of the results of magneto-optical visualization of the flux flow front». З 30 вересня 2019 р. по 29 жовтня 2019 р., CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE, 6 кр./180 годин.
Research interests
- Superconductivity physics
- Thermomagnetic instabilities in hard superconductors of the second kind
- Magnetic field shielding
- He actively cooperates with scientists from the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw), has joint scientific publications with foreign experts, has repeatedly traveled to Warsaw for cooperation
Dynamics of Abrikosov’s Vortex Forced Oscillations: Role of Frequency, Acting Forces and Vortex Parameters
Dynamics of Abrikosov’s vortex forced oscillations: Role frequency, acting forces and vortex parameters | Динамика вынужденных колебаний вихря Абрикосова: роль частоты, действующих сил и параметров вихря
Microavalanches size distribution in fine structure of thermomagnetic flux jumps in the V 3 Si monocrystal superconductor
Теоретична фізика. Статистична фізика та термодинаміка. Основні принципи статистики та термодинаміки [Електронний ресурс]: навч. посіб. для здобувачів ступеня бакалавра за спеціальністю 104 «Фізика та астрономія» /S.O. Reshetnyak, V.F. Rusakov – Kyiv: Igor Sikorsky KPI, 2022. – 136 p.
Русаков, В. Ф. Загальна фізика. Фізика атома. Розв’язання задач [Електронний ресурс] : навчальний посібник для здобувачів ступеня бакалавра за спеціальністю 104 «Фізика та астрономія» / Igor Sikorsky KPI; V. F. Rusakov, V. G. Pytsiuga, I. M. Ivanova.–Kyiv: Igor Sikorsky KPI, 2022. – 43 p.