Olha Saliuk

Olha Saliuk
Professor, D.Sc.
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University, 1983
Specialty “Radiophysics and electronics (quantum radio physics)”
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2021
Dissertation topic: “Magnetodynamic properties of functional materials for spintronics and magnitophotonics applications”
2021 – Professor of General Physics, KPI. Igor Sikorsky
2000 – 2021: Associate Professor of General and Experimental Physics KPI. Igor Sikorsky
2010 – 2013: doctoral student of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
1995 – 2000: Assistant of the Department of General and Experimental Physics of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
2003 – 2010: Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Magnetism of NASU and MESU
2013 – 2021: Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Magnetism of NASU and MESU
1995 – 2000: Assistant of the Department of General and Experimental Physics of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”,
1988 – 1995: junior researcher at the Institute of Semiconductors of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
1984 – 1988: graduate student of the Institute of Semiconductors of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
1983 – engineer, Institute of Semiconductors of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Research interests
- The development of physical backgrounds for the creation of magnetic nanomaterials and structures with desired properties for spintronics and magnitophotonics applications